Once upon an epoch, definitely A.D., there was a white bunny on the holey road to Damascus, where the ultimate profit of sin was absolution. He was carrying a sinner's backpack, which carried an offering of empty light. Along the road he came upon brightly colored yet slightly antiqued plastic eggs. Each egg he found was filled w/ sins, approximately seven to be precise. He gathered all the eggs and it made the rucksack heavy and he pulled & pushed it slowly along -- a trail of his sinner's journey and it made him tired and weak and dehydrated and void. At a fork on the road he saw, like a resurrected mirage, a black hole or a hill.
Although he was exhausted beyond comprehensible repair he chose the hill of tranquil clarity. He dragged his transgressing sins to the height of the hill and fell atop them, w/ his arms outstretched like a veritable cross; his sins sounded like damnable thunder. From the outer pocket of his rucksack he pulled out a red & white crocheted cross from his scripture. He covered his assenting eyes w/ his guilty ears and prayed a sinner's prayer. He felt the manumitting hand of God's will pierce thru his confessor's hands, which felt like an immersion of his repentant's soul in a river of clear water till it stained. He unzipped his bag, w/ a devout acquiescence and the contents rose thru a breath of forgiving air and the empty light shot to the exalted heavens and he was uplifted to a rejoicing that only an Easter bunny could feel.
*My Cross to Bear* Can't carry my cross
To the end of the driveway
It's too damn heavy.

I was brought to life w/ a sinner's breath
and I will die begging a sinner's forgiveness
for Jesus came to my sinner's threshold
and I, unworthy, anointed his savior's feet
and I pushed my sinner's thorns toward salvation
on his take-away-my-suffering's brow, and yet still
he loves me; I wasn't meant to suffer a sinner's banquet
and on the day of truth I shall drink his mercy he told me so