Sunday, April 18, 2010


Happy Birthday to my dad who came way before:

-- rock 'n' roll
-- rice a roni
-- play doh
-- saran wrap
-- comic books
-- tea bags
-- M&M's
-- liquid paper
-- cotton blends
-- the hula hoop
-- pizza delivery
-- the Jeep
-- velcro
-- sawdust
-- Mr. Potato Head
-- reality TV (or just TV period)
-- fish sticks
-- scrabble
-- CB radios (dad's handle - moonshiner)
-- the magic 8 ball
-- telemarketers
-- drive-in movies
-- self-help books
-- chocolate chip cookies
-- and flashing turn signals

But came after:

-- banana splits
-- kites
-- sliced bread
-- the wheel
-- the Olympics
-- the telephone
-- the printing press
-- ice cream cones
-- planes w/ single wings
-- dictionaries
-- zippo lighters
-- shoelaces
-- AM radio
-- bologna
-- the circus

And who will always be a throwback to the Wild West:

Facial masterpiece
A wax-on wax-off affair
Handlebar moustache.

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