it's all been said before
jingle bells and deck the halls
all that tinsel on the floor
It's hard to write a new song for Christmas
it's all been said before
Twelve days of giveaways
all that rushing to the store
All this fuss we have for the holiday
Isn't it easier to celebrate his birthday
It's hard to write a new song for Christmas
it's all been said before
stories once upon a time
all that myth and folklore
It's hard to write a new song for Christmas
it's all been said before
cards and letters written
all those wreaths on the door
It's hard to write a new song for Christmas
it's all been said before
egg nog and fruitcake
all that food and drink galore
All this fuss we have for the holiday
Isn't it better that we celebrate his birthday
-- The Sound of Walls 12.5.09
niice blog.
- Alexxander.